Saturday, October 16, 2010

Soapy Teeth: Does NOT Contain Fluoride?

Maybe you were told that fluoride was necessary for dental health.  It's not true.  Fluoride is not a good thing.  Soap is a good thing, for it cleanses.

Perhaps your parents threatened to 'wash your mouth out with soap'.  That did not seem to be a good thing, either.  As it turns out, it is a very good thing.  You see, soap kills germs that like to live in our mouths.  And ToothSoap tastes good because it comes in a variety of delicious flavors.

ToothSoap also comes in a variety of forms:  shreds, liquid, and whips.  Each is packaged in containers that travel well or wait patiently for you and your toothbrush in your medicine cabinet.

 Do You Have Clean Teeth?*
If you use toothpaste, you may be coating your teeth with contaminating materials that prevent good re-enamelization. The only way your teeth can be strong and decay resistant is if you have clean teeth. The best way to get clean teeth is to use our 'Patent Pending' Tooth Soap formula.

You should know that if you visit the ToothSoap people, you should be prepared to be very pleased.  Not only are their products easy to order but you will find them to be economical as well.
DISCLAIMER: These testimonials do not imply that similar results will happen with your use of our products. We have no competent or reliable scientific evidence to suggest that the testimonialist's experience is due to the use of our products. These testimonials are not intended to recommend any supplement as a drug, as a diagnosis for specific illnesses or conditions, nor as a product to eliminate diseases or other medical conditions or complications. We make no medical claims as to the benefits of any of our products to improve medical conditions.
These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). To prevent our products from being classified as drugs under Section 201(g) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, we are required to inform you that there is no intention, implied or otherwise that represents or infers that these products or statements be used in the cure, diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease.

 Connie Baum
The FTC wants you to know there are links in this post. Should they be clicked, resulting in sales, your humble blogger would be fairly compensated. Please do your due diligence when conducting affairs online or offline. Always do business with those you trust implicitly 


  1. When I think of all the $$$ I spent having floride treatments for my kids, I just cringe. I'm anxious to try this new soap. I hope it keeps the dentist bills down. Thanks.

    Chris N

  2. Chris,

    Thank you for taking the time to come by and leave your comment. I think you will be quite pleased with the results and the savings you will have with ToothSoap. Keep us in your loop, will you please? We are eager to hear about success stories!

    SoapyTeeth Webmaster

  3. So many cities add fluoride to their water supply...don't you just wonder...How much fluoride the body can tolerate?

    I like the fact that toothsoap doesn't have an unnecessary ingredient like fluoride in it. Thanks for keeping us informed.

  4. Yes, Rainy, I do wonder how much fluoride the body will tolerate before it rebels!

    Glad to give you the heads up about healthy options.

    Thanks so much for coming by to comment!

    Mother Connie

  5. Who knew? I certainly did not. Thanks for the info Mother Connie.

  6. You are most welcome. Always happy to let people know about healthy options.

    Thanks for taking the time to come by and leave your footprints.

    Mother Connie
