Thursday, February 10, 2011

Feel a Difference by Using the NEW TOOTH SOAP!

Both of these tooth brushes are as ready for the new ToothSoap as all the ToothSoap Fans are!  It is all gussied up, ready to re-enamelize your teeth.  It even boasts brand new packaging but the shreds and liquids are the same great stuff we've been bragging about for some time now!  No toxic ingredients included!  You will feel a difference with the very first use!
Satisfied customers around the world agree that brushing with ToothSoap is the best thing they can do to get and keep healthy teeth and gums!  Just look over the testimonial from real people just like you who use Tooth Soap on a regular basis:

Tom, from Florida, USA, knows first hand that "drilling and filling" is NOT the ONLY solution for cavities.  He healed his four [4] cavities with ToothSoap and saved over $700.00 is potential dental bills!  Here's how his experience went...Tom writes to us: 
"You'll remember I sent you my first update when I first staarted using ToothSoap.  Well, here's my story, but first some history.  
Around October 2005 I saw a dentist for a broken crown and also found out I had 4 cavities at $185.00 each to repair.  Since I was moving the next month I would put that off until I got relocated and got some dental insurance.  May 1, 2006 I started ToothSoap-Peppermint-and am two-thirds the way through the jar today as I am single at this time.
Finally got around to making an appointment and January 25, 2007 was the earliest assessment date available.  Could not believe my ears at the report.  Waited to pass on this until today's cleaning confirmed that I have NO, January 31, 2007!
What a nice birthday present from ToothSoap.  I was 54 this weekend and now I have to figure out what to do with all the monies put aside in my FSA account so I don't lose them!  What a problem to have!  Thank God it's not my cavities!" 
~Tom, from Florida

How much money and misery might YOU save if you began to use ToothSoap regularly?  Please cruise over to the new website the good folks at ToothSoap have built.  Please tell them Mother Connie sent you, won't you?  Thanks.  Your mouth will be SO HAPPY! 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). To prevent our products from being classified as drugs under Section 201(g) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, we are required to inform you that there is no intention, implied or otherwise that represents or infers that these products or statements be used in the cure, diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease. These testimonials do not imply that similar results will happen with your use of our products. We have no competent or reliable scientific evidence to suggest that the testimonialist's experience is due to the use of our products. These testimonials are not intended to recommend any supplement as a drug, as a diagnosis for specific illnesses or conditions, nor as a product to eliminate diseases or other medical conditions or complications. We make no medical claims as to the benefits of any of our products to improve medical conditions.

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